Now you can play Ludo Star for PC on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, MacOSand OS X powered desktop PCs and laptops. To start playing Ludo Star for PC, you need to get an emulator like the BlueStacks, BlueStacks 2 or BlueStacks 3. Follow the steps coming up next to download, install and play Ludo Star on your computer.
Download Ludo Star for PC and Laptop (Windows 7/8/8.1/10 & Mac)
- Download Ludo Star APK
- Download and install Bluestacks: Bluestacks Offline Installer | Rooted Bluestacks | Bluestacks App Player | Rooted BlueStacks 2
- Once you’ve installed Bluestacks, double click the downloaded Ludo Star APK.
- The APK will be installed using Bluestacks, once installed open Bluestacks and locate the recently installed Ludo Star.
- Click the Ludo Star icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.